domingo, 28 de março de 2010

Aprenda a ter mais dinheiro !

VC pode ter mais dinheiro do que imagina : basta aprender a planejar suas financas e a investir certo .....$$$$$$$$$

4 comentários:

  1. Um banco de dados podera ser muito util para escolher seus investimentos . Ha uma grande diferenca entre investir e especular. Aqueles que escolhem a primeira opcao estarao fazendo a opcao correta para um futuro mais promissor

  2. Miguel Moyses Neto Latest: It is amazing bank results are booming , and the regulatiosn still not in effect miraculously Mr Greenspan in his book said its police issue !

  3. Finnaly Pres. Obama is putting fingers on some of the main causes of financial problems Lobbying SEC , sharks can make their game about and expoils every effort to solve USA most critical solutions . And there`s more to be done . Ask Bloomberg`s people about ghost shares?

  4. Miguel Moyses Neto Latest: We have volcano spills up there , we have crude oil spills down there , we have murders in American Universities we have murders in China .? What is happenning with our world , Miguel Moyses Neto
